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Speaker: Chenyang Xu (Beijing International Center of Mathematical Research)
Event details of General Mathematics Colloquium
18 April 2018
16:00 -16:45
Science Park 107
Location: KdVI meeting room, Science Park 107, room F3.20


Moduli spaces of higher dimensional varieties


One feature of Algebraic Geometry is  that the parameterising space of a natural class of objects often itself forms an algebraic geometry object, but this usually can be seen only after a hard work! The moduli spaces of curves are probably the most studied objects in algebraic geometry. In this talk, I will discuss higher dimensional analogues. More precisely, I will  talk about the construction of compact Hausdorff moduli spaces parameterising higher dimensional varieties, in both the negatively curved case called (KSBA) and the positive curved case (called Fano).

Science Park 107

Room Location: KdVI meeting room, Science Park 107, room F3.20
Science Park 107
1098 XG Amsterdam