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Speaker: Judith Brinkschulte (Universität Leipzig)
Event details of General Mathematics Colloquium
30 January 2019
16:00 -16:45
Science Park 107
Location: KdVI meeting room, Science Park 107, room F3.20


On Levi-flat CR manifolds from the point of view of positive normal bundles


The study of Levi-flat CR manifolds is related to basic questions in different research areas such as theory of foliations, dynamical systems, complex algebraic geometry and several complex variables. I will discuss some recent results within the general aim of classifying compact Levi-flat CR manifolds, in particular from the point of view of positive normal bundles. Essential ingredients of the proofs are vanishing results for some analytic cohomology classes by means of weighted $L^2$-methods for solving $\overline\partial$- equations.

Science Park 107

Room Location: KdVI meeting room, Science Park 107, room F3.20
Science Park 107
1098 XG Amsterdam