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Engage in discussions with prominent African scientists to strengthen collaborations with African partners.
Event details of Collaborations with African Partners
7 June 2024
10:00 -12:00
Science Park G
Science Park G4.15
Organised by
Diletta Martinelli

During the first week of June a delegation of prominent African scientists will be visiting our faculty. They will engage in multiple discussions with the leadership of the university aimed at  strengthening collaborations with African partners. In particular, the meetings will focus on identifying effective strategies leading to more students and staff exchanges, institutional partnerships and long-lasting research collaborations. On June 7th, last day of their visit, we will have a concluding meeting open to interested participants from the Faculty of Science. We will report on the main outcomes of the discussions of the previous two days and work towards concrete action points and a roadmap for the future. There will be time for questions and interactions with our guests.

Our guests:

  • Professor Moustapha Fall, the center president of the African Institute Mathematical Sciences in Senegal.
  • Dr Teckla Angelo, senior research scientist at the National Institute of Medical Research Mwanza Center and the Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology, in Tanzania.
  • Professor James Chibueze, professor in Astronomy at the University of South Africa.
  • Dr Naomi Asabre Frimpong, research scientists at the Ghana Space Science and Technology Institute and vice-president of African Astronomical Society.
  • Dr Fathiya M. Khamis, Senior Scientist at the International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology.

The event will take place from 10.00-12.00 followed by lunch.


Science Park G

Room Science Park G4.15
Science Park 508
1098 XH Amsterdam