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On 27 June, the KdVI Teaching Award was awarded to Han Peters for lecturer and Twan Kroll for teaching assistant of the academic year 2023/2024. They both received a golden chalk for their teaching efforts over the last year.

Every year, the Programme Committee Mathematics, in collaboration with the KdVI awards the 'Lecturer of the Year' award to recognize UvA teachers who have made significant contributions to the education of mathematics students. Students can nominate their favourite lecturer and teaching assistant. The Programme Committee selects the lectureres of the year and they will receive a gold-plated chalk.

Han Peters was praised by students 'for his ability to explain difficult subjects in a calm and understandable way'. In addition, 'he often checks students' understanding of the material by watching their facial expressions. Nice for the shy students!'.

Twan Kroll is characterised as 'a committed teaching assistant. He goes beyond expectations and always does something extra if it can help his students.' Furthermore, students appreciate his patience when asking questions. No matter how simple the question, Twan creates an environment that makes it easy to ask it.

Other nominees were Maximilian Engel, Rob Stevenson and Jeroen Zuiddam (Lecturers) and Paul Seip and Reinier Sorgdrager (Teaching Assistants).

Appreciation for good education

The Mathematics Education Committee has, in collaboration with the Korteweg-de Vries Institute, taken the initiative to organise this yearly prize to express their appreciation for teachers who excel in their educational tasks.  Moreover, this award highlights the option of becoming a teacher to the students and in this way stimulates good education and strong commitment of students to education.