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The Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics (KdVI) is the mathematics research institute at the University of Amsterdam. We conduct world-class research in the fields of Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics; Pure, Applied and Numerical Analysis; Stochastics and Discrete Mathematics and Quantum Information. A smaller portion of our research is directed at teaching (focus area blended learning) or history of mathematics. In addition, we are involved with various national and international research collaborations.


Mathematics plays an ever-growing role in science as well as in society. New mathematical theories and methods are in high demand as a result of these successes. At KdVI we are dedicated to finding new answers to fundamental mathematical challenges. Both questions arising from specific applications and from new conceptual insights are sources of inspiration for our research. Passionate and eager staff members share knowledge and experiences with young mathematicians in our PhD programme, as well as through our taught programmes at the Bachelor's and Master's level. The three programmes directly related to the KdVI are the Bachelor's programme Mathematics and the Master's programmes in Mathematics and in Stochastics and Financial Mathematics. In addition, the institute offers lecturers for mathematics courses in other taught programmes at the University of Amsterdam. In this way, we enable new generations to continue discovering new patterns, new methods and techniques to develop science and technology for the future of our society.

Director of Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics

Prof. dr. E.M. (Eric) Opdam

Faculty of Science


Scientific Advisory Board

  • Prof. M. Marta Sanz-Solé, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona
  • Prof. Peter J. Green, School of Mathematics, University of Bristol
  • Prof. Giovanni Felder, Department of Mathematics, ETH Zurich
  • Prof. Sebastian van Strien, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Imperial College of London