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Bencs, F., Buys, P., & Peters, H. (2024). The Limit of the Zero Locus of the Independence Polynomial for Bounded Degree Graphs. Michigan Mathematical Journal, 1(1).
de Boer, D., Buys, P., Guerini, L., Peters, H., & Regts, G. (2024). Zeros, chaotic ratios and the computational complexity of approximating the independence polynomial. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 176(2), 459-494.[details]
Bencs, F., de Boer, D., Buys, P., & Regts, G. (2023). Uniqueness of the Gibbs Measure for the Anti-ferromagnetic Potts Model on the Infinite Δ-Regular Tree for Large Δ. Journal of Statistical Physics, 190, Article 140.[details]
de Boer, D., Buys, P., & Regts, G. (2023). Uniqueness of the Gibbs measure for the 4-state anti-ferromagnetic Potts model on the regular tree. Combinatorics Probability and Computing, 32(1), 158-182.[details]
Bencs, F., Buys, P., Guerini, L., & Peters, H. (2022). Lee-Yang zeros of the antiferromagnetic Ising Model. Ergodic theory and dynamical systems, 42(7), 2172-2206.[details]
Buys, P., Galanis, A., Patel, V., & Regts, G. (2022). Lee-Yang zeros and the complexity of the ferromagnetic Ising model on bounded-degree graphs. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 10, Article e7.[details]
Buys, P. (2021). Cayley Trees do Not Determine the Maximal Zero-Free Locus of the Independence Polynomial. The Michigan mathematical journal, 70(3), 635-648.[details]
Buys, P., Galanis, A., Patel, V. S., & Regts, G. (2021). Lee-yang zeros and the complexity of the ferromagnetic ising model on bounded-degree graphs. In D. Marx (Ed.), Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms: SODA '21 (pp. 1508-1519). Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Publications.,[details]
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