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Our next meeting of the General Mathematics Colloquium series at the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics will be on Wednesday, May 29 at 16.00. Our colleague Evgeny Verbitskiy (Leiden University, KdVI) will speak about "Principal Algebraic Actions".
Event details of General Math Colloquium: Evgeny Verbitskiy
29 May 2024
16:00 -17:00
Science Park 107


I will discuss a broad class of algebraic dynamical systems called Principal Actions. Ergodic properties of these dynamical systems are relatively well understood. I will also outline plausible connections to models in Statistical Physics such as dimers and spanning trees. Finally, I will present recent results on renormalization and Bohr chaoticity of principal actions.

Prof. dr. E.A. (Evgeny) Verbitskiy

Faculty of Science


Science Park 107

Room F3.20
Science Park 107
1098 XG Amsterdam