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Our next meeting of the General Mathematics Colloquium series at the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics will be on Wednesday, September 25 at 16.00. Maris Ozols (UvA - KdVI, CWI, QuSoft) will speak about "From dynamic programming to quantum groups".
Event details of General Math Colloquium: Maris Ozols
25 September 2024
Science Park 107


There will be no results in this talk. Instead, I will take you on a stroll through three areas of mathematics - combinatorics, representation theory, and quantum computing - and tell you a story about connections between them. The main characters in this story are: dynamic programming, RSK correspondence, Schur transform, q-deformation, and matrix quantum groups.

Science Park 107

Room F3.20
Science Park 107
1098 XG Amsterdam