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Our next meeting of the General Mathematics Colloquium series at the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics will be Wednesday, November 6 at 16.00. Linda Cook will speak about colouring graphs with many (but not more than 200000) colours.
Event details of General Math Colloquium: Linda Cook
6 November 2024
Science Park 107


Perfect graphs can be described as the graphs whose stable set polytopes are defined by their non-negativity and clique inequalities. In 1975, V. Chvátal defined an analogous class called t-perfect graphs, which are the graphs whose stable set polytopes are defined by their non-negativity, edge inequalities, and odd circuit inequalities. We show that t-perfect graphs are 200,000-colourable. This is the first finite bound on the chromatic number of t-perfect graphs, and answers a question of B. Shepherd from 1995.

This bound is probably not tight;  M. Laurent and P. Seymour gave an example of a t-perfect graph requiring four colors in the 1990's and it is open whether all t-perfect graphs are 4-colorable. Our proof is mainly graph theoretic.

Joint work with: Maria Chudnovsky (Princeton), James Davies (Cambridge), Sang-il Oum (IBS DIMAG), Jane Tan (Oxford)

Science Park 107

Room F3.20
Science Park 107
1098 XG Amsterdam