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Jo Ellis-Monaghan has been appointed director of the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for a period of four years, effective 1 October 2024. She succeeds Eric Opdam, who was director of KdVI for over nine years.

In September 2020, Jo made the switch from professor and head of department at St. Michael’s College (Colchester, Vermont, USA) to full-time professor of Discrete Mathematics at KdVI. For the past four years, she has led the research group Discrete Mathematics & Quantum Information, which has strong ties with the QuSoft research centre and also provides its own specialisation within the Master Mathematics. She is a member of the KdVI management team, coordinator for service education and for the PhD and postdoc policy within KdVI, and contact person for the new faculty-wide bachelor’s programme Science, Technology & Innovation from the mathematics department. In addition, she is chair of the national research cluster DIAMANT (Discrete, Interactive and Algorithmic Mathematics, and Number Theory). Jo plans to continue the current course for strong fundamental research and interdisciplinary bridges within the KdVI, with extra attention to promoting diversity and social safety.

Prof. dr. J.A. (Jo) Ellis-Monaghan

Director of the Korteweg-de Vries Institute