With this prize, the PC and the students express their appreciation for instructors who provide above-average quality education. Furthermore, the KdVI Education Prize draws attention to education as inspiration for students. The prize thus promotes good teaching and student engagement in education.
Nominations are in alphabetical order, with a short motivation from the nominations
Shortlist lecturers
- Maximilian Engel: Every lecture is incredibly organised, and the board usage is brilliant. He is enthusiastic and I enjoy his sense of humour.
- Han Peters: Han explains calmly and understandably. In addition, he often checks students' understanding of the material by watching their facial expressions. Nice for the shy student!
- Rob Stevenson: Rob's lectures are well organized, lively, and interesting. Because of him, the material automatically becomes fun. In addition, he is attentive to the student and believes it is important that you actually get it.
- Jeroen Zuiddam: He was always very clear, good explanations, and also a very friendly man. Structured, takes time to answer questions.
Honorable mentions: Sonja Cox, Krystal Guo, Lenny Taelman
Shortlist teaching assistants
- Twan Kroll: Twan is a good teaching assistant because he is really committed to all his students. He goes beyond expectations and always does something extra if it can help his students. He is very patient, and you always feel free to ask questions, no matter how simple they are.
- Paul Seip: Makes difficult material clearer and works out hw assignments in a neat manner. He is always well prepared.
- Reinier Sorgdrager: Reinier is helpful and explains assignments and material well. He can explain assignments so clearly that it made you think: Why didn't I think of that?
Honorable mentions: Daan Hoogcarspel, Khallil Berrekkal