Mandjes, M., van Kreveld, L., & Dorsman, J. P. (2024). Cramér–Lundberg asymptotics for spectrally positive Markov additive processes. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2024(6), 561-582.
Zhou, H., Dorsman, J. L., Mandjes, M., & Snelder, M. (2023). On the use of common random numbers in activity-based travel demand modeling for scenario comparison. Transportation Planning and Technology, 46(3), 359-379.[details]
Zhou, H., Dorsman, J. L., Mandjes, M., & Snelder, M. (2023). Sustainable mobility strategies and their impact: a case study using a multimodal activity based model. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 11, Article 100945.[details]
van Kreveld, L., Mandjes, M., & Dorsman, J. L. (2022). Extreme Value Analysis for a Markov Additive Process Driven by a Nonirreducible Background Chain. Stochastic Systems, 12(3), 293-317. Advance online publication.[details]
Ayesta, U., Bodas, T., Dorsman, J. L., & Verloop, I. M. (2021). A Token-Based Central Queue with Order-Independent Service Rates. Operations Research, 70(1), 545-561.[details]
Comte, C., & Dorsman, J-P. (2021). Performance Evaluation of Stochastic Bipartite Matching Models. In P. Ballarini, H. Castel, I. Dimitriou, M. Iacono, T. Phung-Duc, & J. Walraevens (Eds.), Performance Engineering and Stochastic Modeling: 17th European Workshop, EPEW 2021, and 26th International Conference, ASMTA 2021, virtual event, December 9–10 and December 13–14, 2021 : proceedings (pp. 425-440). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 13104). Springer.[details]
Zhou, H., Dorsman, J. L., Snelder, M., Mandjes, M., & Romph, E. D. (2021). Effective determination of MaaS trip modes in activity-based demand modelling. In P. Bonnel, & G. Monchambert (Eds.), hEART 2020: 9th European Association for Research in Transportation, February 3-4 2021 hEART.[details]
van Kreveld, L. R., Boxma, O. J., Dorsman, J. L., & Mandjes, M. R. H. (2021). Scaling limits for closed product-form queueing networks. Performance Evaluation, 151, Article 102220. Advance online publication.[details]
Scully, Z., van Kreveld, L., Boxma, O., Dorsman, J-P., & Wierman, A. (2020). Characterizing Policies with Optimal Response Time Tails under Heavy-Tailed Job Sizes. Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems , 4(2), Article 30.[details]
Scully, Z., van Kreveld, L., Boxma, O., Dorsman, J.-P., & Wierman, A. (2020). Characterizing Policies with Optimal Response Time Tails under Heavy-Tailed Job Sizes. In SIGMETRICS Performance'20: abstracts of the 2020 SIGMETRICS/Performance Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems : June 8 -12, 2020, Boston, MA, USA (pp. 35-36). The Association for Computing Machinery.,[details]
van Kreveld, L. R., Boxma, O. J., Dorsman, J. L., & Mandjes, M. R. H. (2020). Scaling analysis of an extended machine-repair model. In Proceedings of the 13th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools: VALUETOOLS 2020 : May 18-20, 2020, Tsukuba, Japan (pp. 172-179). The Association for Computing Machinery.[details]
Abidini, M. A., Dorsman, J.-P., & Resing, J. (2019). Heavy traffic analysis of a polling model with retrials and glue periods. Stochastic Models, 34(4), 464-503.[details]
Zhou, H., Dorsman, J. L., Snelder, M., Romph, de, E., & Mandjes, M. R. H. (2019). GPU-based Parallel Computing for Activity-based Travel Demand Models. In E. Shakshuki (Ed.), The 10th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2019) / The 2nd International Conference on Emerging Data and Industry 4.0 (EDI40 2019) / Affiliated Workshops (Vol. 151, pp. 726-732). (Procedia Computer Science). Elsevier.[details]
Berg, B., Dorsman, J. P., & Harchol-Balter, M. (2018). Towards optimality in parallel job scheduling. In SIGMETRICS'18: abstracts of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems : June 18-22, 2018, Irvine, CA, USA (pp. 116-118). The Association for Computing Machinery.[details]
Claeys, D., Dorsman, J. L., Saxena, A., Walraevens, J., & Bruneel, H. (2017). A queueing-theoretic analysis of the threshold-based exhaustive data-backup scheduling policy. In T. Simos, & C. Tsitouras (Eds.), International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2016) : Rhodes, Greece, 19-25 September 2016 Article 200002 (AIP Conference Proceedings; Vol. 1863). AIP Publishing. Advance online publication.[details]
Dorsman, J. L. (member of programme committee) (24-10-2018 - 26-10-2018). ESM®'2018, Ghent. The ESM®'2018 (The 32nd annual European Simulation and Modelling Conference) is the original international European conference concerned with state (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zhou, H. (2023). Impact assessment of new mobility services using accelerated activity-based demand modeling. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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