Bencs, F., Buys, P., & Peters, H. (2024). The Limit of the Zero Locus of the Independence Polynomial for Bounded Degree Graphs. Michigan Mathematical Journal, 1(1).
Jan Homburg, A., Peters, H., & Rabodonandrianandraina, V. (2024). Critical intermittency in rational maps. Nonlinearity, 37(6), Article 065015.
de Boer, D., Buys, P., Guerini, L., Peters, H., & Regts, G. (2024). Zeros, chaotic ratios and the computational complexity of approximating the independence polynomial. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 176(2), 459-494.[details]
Bencs, F., Buys, P., Guerini, L., & Peters, H. (2022). Lee-Yang zeros of the antiferromagnetic Ising Model. Ergodic theory and dynamical systems, 42(7), 2172-2206.[details]
Arosio, L., Boc Thaler, L., & Peters, H. (2021). A transcendental Hénon map with an oscillating wandering Short C2. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 299(1-2), 357-372.[details]
Benini, A. M., Fornæss, J. E., & Peters, H. (2021). Entropy of transcendental entire functions. Ergodic theory and dynamical systems, 41(2), 338-348.[details]
Benini, A. M., Fornæss, J. E., & Peters, H. (2020). Infinite Entropy for Transcendental Entire Functions with an Omitted Value. Acta Mathematica Vietnamica, 45(1), 49-52.[details]
Peters, H., & Regts, G. (2020). Location of zeros for the partition function of the Ising model on bounded degree graphs. Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 101(2), 765-785.[details]
Wortel, M. T., Peters, H., Bonachela, J. A., & Stenseth, N. C. (2020). Continual evolution through coupled fast and slow feedbacks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(8), 4234-4242. Advance online publication.[details]
Peters, H., & Regts, G. (2019). On a Conjecture of Sokal Concerning Roots of the Independence Polynomial. The Michigan mathematical journal, 68(1), 33-55.[details]
Pel, J., Peters, H., & Wold, E. F. (2018). Extensions to the boundary of Riemann maps on varying domains in the complex plane. Indagationes Mathematicae, 29(5), 1193-1195.[details]
Fornaess, J. E., & Peters, H. (2017). Complex dynamics with focus on the real part. Ergodic theory and dynamical systems, 37(1), 176-192.[details]
Astorg, M., Buff, X., Dujardin, R., Peters, H., & Raissy, J. (2016). A two-dimensional polynomial mapping with a wandering Fatou component. Annals of Mathematics, 184(1), 263-313.[details]
Løw, E., Pereira, J. V., Peters, H., & Wold, E. F. (2016). Polynomial completion of symplectic jets and surfaces containing involutive lines. Mathematische Annalen, 364(1), 519-538.[details]
Boc-Thaler, L., Fornæss, J. E., & Peters, H. (2015). Fatou components with punctured limit sets. Ergodic theory and dynamical systems, 35(5), 1380-1393. Advance online publication.[details]
Lyubich, M., & Peters, H. (2014). Classification of invariant Fatou components for dissipative Hénon maps. Geometric and Functional Analysis, 24(3), 887-915.[details]
Wortel, M. T., Peters, H., Hulshof, J., Teusink, B., & Bruggeman, F. J. (2014). Metabolic states with maximal specific rate carry flux through an elementary flux mode. The FEBS Journal, 281(6), 1547-1555. Advance online publication.[details]
Peters, H. (participant) & Roeder, R. G. (participant) (10-6-2021 - 11-6-2021). Interplay between statistical mechanics, graph theory, computational complexity and holomorphic dynamics. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Peters, H. (organiser), Roeder, R. G. (organiser) & Regts, G. (participant) (17-5-2021 - 21-5-2021). Extremal and Algorithmic Aspects of Partition Functions (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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