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Lectures in the current academic year





25 Sept. Maris Ozols UvA - KdVI, CWI, QuSoft From dynamic programming to quantum groups
9 Oct. Pjotr Buys UvA - KdVI An Introduction to the Shannon Capacity of Graphs
23 Oct. Maximillian Engel UvA - KdVI The rise of chaos from shear and randomness
6 Nov. Linda Cook UvA - KdVI 200,000 colors suffice (for t-perfect graphs)
20 Nov. Thorsten Dickhaus University of Bremen Multiple testing of partial conjunction null hypotheses, with application to replicability analysis of high-dimensional studies
2 Dec. Matthias Christandl University of Copenhagen Quantum Entropy
5 Feb. Johan Commelin Utrecht University and Lean FRO

math \over human \join computer

19 Feb. Ronald de Wolf QuSoft, CWI and UvA Exponential Lower Bounds for Polytopes in Combinatorial Optimization
5 Mar.

Amir Shpilka

Tel-Aviv University

Points, lines and polynomial identities

19 Mar. Lisa Kohl CWI Generating Pseudorandomness: Limitations and New Constructions
Past Colloquia