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  • Dr. Krystal Guo,
  • Dr. Eni Musta,
  • Dr. Jeroen Zuiddam,

Lectures in the current academic year





6 Sept. Guus Regts UvA - KdVI The location of the zeros of the chromatic polynomial
20 Sept. Leo Zhou UvA - KdVI Probing the World with Waves - From the Subatomic to the Cosmos
4 Oct. Vivi Rottschäfer UvA, KdVI, Leiden University Mathematics for the brain: Towards a 3D distribution model of drugs in the brain
1 Nov. Fernando Nobrega Santos UvA - KdVI Hypergraph Representation of Brain Activity: Perspectives and Challenges
15 Nov. Drona Kandhai UvA - IvI, ING Recent advances in Financial Risk Modeling
13 Dec. Raf Bocklandt UvA - KdVI From the Freezer to the Tropics
7 Feb. Jan van den Heuvel UvA - KdVI, London School of Economics Combinatorics of Reconfiguration: Algorithms and Structures
21 Feb. Bas Kleijn UvA - KdVI Random histogram limits and quantum field theory
20 Mar. Stacey Jeffery UvA - KdVI, QuSoft, CWI Transducers: A new formalism for quantum algorithms
17 April Sven Karbach UvA - KdVI, IvI Mathematical Foundations of Renewable Energy Finance
29 May Evgeny Verbitskiy Leiden University, KdVI Principal Algebraic Actions
5 June Moustapha Fall AIMS - Senegal On some overdetermined boundary value problems and the Schiffer conjecture
Past Colloquia